young craftswoman workingWhat kind of person are you?

Would you rather work for someone else, do what you are told
and earn a fixed salary?

Or do you prefer to take risks, be your own boss and live a
life that can be difficult but full of freedom?

If you answered yes to this last question, congratulations:
you are an entrepreneur! However, do not worry. This does not mean that you have to climb mountains or parachutes from planes. It simply means that you are looking for a challenging and independent path to succeed in business.

It could be someone who has just started their first leg, or it could be about to launch. It is also possible that you have a day job that you would like to leave to start your own business. Or maybe you don’t have a business model yet, but you are toying with the idea of becoming an “entrepreneur” and living on your own terms. Regardless of which category you fall into, you need some resources to get started and improve your English for entrepreneurship and be successful.

Here’s how to prepare your English skills to become a successful entrepreneur, but before moving on to the resources below, it’s important to understand the steps to take to move through your learning process:

woman posting Open for Business schedule•  Brush up on your language skills. To be an entrepreneur, you must be a
confident and fluent speaker. Whether you are giving a presentation or trying
to attract a potential investor, you must communicate effectively and clearly
in business English.

•  Polish your writing skills. You have a lot of paperwork to do, writing cover
letters and business proposals. You should present yourself in writing as
articulate (able to express yourself clearly) and intelligent individual, as
someone who knows what they are doing.

•  Cultivate (develop) the right personality. As a business owner, you cannot
passively wait for others to give you orders. Work on becoming more sociable
(talkative and outgoing), develop the English skills to speak with confidence
and guidance, and stay positive.

•  Establish contacts with other entrepreneurs. Talking to other people in the
same field breaks the “communication barrier” and creates better
opportunities. Make sure to do your part to support your fellow entrepreneurs.

•  Have a dream and work hard to make it come true. You start with an idea, but
you have to develop it until it is realized (integrity). Work on your vision
and adjust the details until they are perfect. You must learn and master the
English vocabulary specific to your industry, but you also need to remember to
be practical and to compromise with others to make your idea a reality.


dressmaker with her mannequin

In some countries, such as Spain, entrepreneurship and
English as a profession are very typical. Don’t throw in the towel though, because while four to seven years is the perfect time to develop bilingualism, it’s never too late to learn, even if it costs more. Obviously, when contacting customers from other countries who speak another language, English is used for communication. It is important to clarify that English is no longer seen as a differentiator between professionals and that the entrepreneur should see it more as a basic knowledge in order to be able to communicate in an increasingly globalized context. Knowledge of English enables improvement of innovation, communication with suppliers and customers and contractual competence.

Why is English so important in business?

According to the index, “the ability to communicate in English is a prerequisite in a globalized economy” and that lack of it can have undesirable consequences for the business environment. If you don’t speak this language, the business opportunities will be lost, ultimately affecting the sales of the business.

On the consumer side, issues with customer service can affect their satisfaction. On the other hand, project teams may not be able to complete their tasks on time due to communication issues. There are also challenges in managing international talent and in promoting the growth of local talent for internationals. Being an entrepreneur is fun until you realize you don’t have as much experience as everyone else. Your knowledge may not be comparable to what has been around for twenty years and that scares you.

Trust and believe in yourself, you’re already ahead of the pack simply by taking the first step! Now, let’s dive in to some really awesome books that will help you along your journey.


These two best books for entrepreneurs learning English will give you a basic understanding of what it takes to become an entrepreneur and tips on what to do on the road to business success.

the wealth of nations book cover 1. The wealth of nations

Author: Adam Smith

Date of publication: 1776

This may be the oldest book on our list in a long time, but that doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant today. The major work of Scottish philosopher and moral economist Adam Smith offers one of the world’s first composite descriptions of what builds the wealth of nations and remains a trailblazing work of classical economics. In particular, many of the terms Smith used in 1776 are still used in economics in 2014, such as “division of labor”, “invisible hand” and “market” Free “(free market)

steve jobs book cover 2. Steve Jobs

Author: Walter Isaacson

Year of release: 2011

Biographies are great option when it comes to business books and business language. Many of the CEOs and executives have written their own autobiographies or have written books about them. This has been done from historically successful entrepreneurs such as Donald Trump and Rockefeller to today’s revolutionary entrepreneurs such as Dustin Moskovitz and Mark Zuckerberg (the co-founders of Facebook). For anyone interested in the technology business, this biography of the late Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs is a must-read, filled with ideas from a complicated man and his vision of how he could become the technology.


Most business, leadership and management schools offer workshops, seminars and short courses that are taught continuously. You can register at any time. Just keep your eyes open!

Whatever happens, if you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to stay motivated and disciplined. You have to take risks and learn to accept mistakes as part of your life.

It’s a difficult path, but it gives you independence, freedom and satisfaction.

So, get out there and keep trying until you make it.

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